To start the certification process, have a look at the G4 responsible gambling code of practice to estimate the feasibility of the accreditation. The code of practice includes all the G4 standards. Keep in mind that some of the standards will not apply to all entities, as some of the items will not apply to land-based or industry suppliers. This will be taken into account once the auditor evaluates your business activities. Once you familiarize yourself with the G4 standards, the next step would be to understand the accreditation process, which includes two audits over the course of three years. The first audit is the base audit, which is an extensive audit covering all business activities according to the responsible gambling code of practice. Eighteen months from the base audit, a (remote) follow-up audit will be conducted. During the follow-up audit, the auditors will mainly focus on the areas that require improvement and the recommendations given by the auditor.